Mind, Body and Soul : Yoga with a Spiritual Healer

Mental Health should be one of the top priorities for ourselves. As students we often neglect our mental health and so that is why the Law Society has decided to collaborate with Rochelle from Soul Studio who shares some of her best tips on how to show our mind, body and soul some love.

Rochelle joins the Law Society during mental health week to deliver a yoga class to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Rochelle delivered a yoga class during mental health week to help reduce anxiety and stress.

We asked Rochelle some questions about her spiritual journey and asked for guidance on how to better our mental wellbeing.

Q: Tell us more about what you do and why you have chosen to collaborate with the law society?

A: I am a spiritual teacher who specialises in yoga and meditation. The reason why I’m working with the law society is because I’m passionate about mental, emotional and spiritual health and the benefits it can bring to anyone, especially during periods of stress during exam time. So by introducing simple; natural and effective tools that students can use in their every day life such as breathing techniques and positive affirmations - this can enable them and empower them to transfer that negative energy into positive energy.

Q: How does yoga help with your mental health?

A: Yoga has helped my mental health by teaching me to discipline my mind to stay balanced and flexible. It has given me increased energy levels and the ability to channel negative energy such as stress and anxiety into positive energy. Yoga has helped to me to focus my mind.

Q: What advice can you give to students who find themselves stressed about exams?

A: 1. To practice simple breathing techniques to slow down that negative mind.

2. To be prepared and to be disciplined and to manage your time well.

3. Get enough rest and sleep. A well rested mind increases your productivity levels during the day to help you get the most out of your study time.

4. Stay hydrated and eat well. The food you put into your body is so important. Food is fuel so flood your body with good nutrition.

5. Pace yourself. Have equal time for rest and relaxation as well as for studying.

Here are 3 simple yoga moves that you can do every day.

  1. Downward Dog

    What to Do: Start on all fours and make sure your knees are slightly behind your hips. Your hands should be shoulderwidth apart and spread your finger out. Press your hands into the mat and gently tuck your toes under and take a deep inhale, then keeping your hands pressed into the mat exhale deeply, lifting your knees off the floor and straightening your legs as much as you can.

    Benefits : Stretches the back, shoulders, hamstring, calves, arches of the feet and hands, strengthens the arms and legs, strengthens and tones the heart, improves digestion and lengthens the stone and releases the neck

2. Child’s Pose

What to Do: Kneel on the floor with your toes together and your knees hip-width apart. Rest your palms on top of your thighs. On an exhale, lower your torso between your knees. Extend your arms alongside your torso with your palms facing down. Relax your shoulders toward the ground. Rest in the pose for as long as needed.

Benefits: It gently stretches out your spine thighs, hips, and ankles. Itcan stimulate blood flow to your head, and blood circulation helps oxygen reach all corners of your bod. It also relieves tension in the chest, lower back, shoulders, and hamstrings.

3. Cobra Pose

What to Do: Place your palms flat on the floor directly beneath your shoulders. Bend your elbows straight back and hug them into your sides. Pause for a moment looking straight down at your mat with your neck in a neutral position. Anchor your pubic bone to the floor. Inhale as you lift your chest off the floor. Roll your shoulders back and keep your low ribs on the floor. Make sure your elbows continue hugging your sides. Keep your neck neutral. Your eyes should be facing the floor.

Benefits: May help reduce symptoms of depression, relieve back pain, increase self-esteem, reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality and enhanced posture.

Rochelle works from her studio in her home in Eastehaven, Carnoustie.

You can find more about Rochelle and her work on her website : https://soulsstudio.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR0sGmkeJmMjzNb0Mf4c8nRrL5ur9sEmw518qhfy-Sx7AHdLhoUnU4GHqlU

By Megha Banerjee
