
Euan Rennie

Euan is one of the Content Coordinators of the Law Society. He has the responsibility to ensure podcast episodes are released regularly, posts are being published on our social media and to maintain the website.

Euan has a keen interest in arbitration for both corporate and commercial law.

Through the 100% Legal podcast, Euan hopes to broaden the spectrum of talks organised by the law society to other areas of law outside of the commercial field. In addition to his role, he also wishes to organise workshops on international arbitration, ADR and commercial litigation.

When asked about the Law Society, he said: “Law is everywhere and for everyone. By being part of the law society I hope to be able to encourage knowledge in all areas of interest and help support our community of lawyers to the best of my abilities.”

Because we also exist to make sure years at University are memorable, we shall mention our committee members favourite drink(s). If Euan is running late, you can order him a Pepsi Cola without hesitation, but careful - it must be chilled to just the right temperature! Otherwise, during the night, you will always find him with a rum and coke or a Scotch whisky.