Dear Freshers…

It’s Freshers’ week! Freshers’ week is one of the most exciting and memorable weeks for all university students especially for First Year students who are only just starting their university experience. This week is usually filled with clubbing, joining societies, making new friends and just getting a taste of what the university is all about. However some students may find this week challenging and even a bit daunting, but don’t worry that is completely normal and there is plenty of support provided to students who are in need of some TLC.

So for this week’s blog, we have asked our 4th year students to share some advice for our new Freshers and tell them things they wish they could tell their younger selves before starting uni!

Disclaimer: These are individual pieces of advice from students and not advice on behalf of the Law Society.

Take part in any and all society taster/ give it a go sessions that interest you. It’s a great way to try new things, meet people outside from your course, and just by taking part in freshers events doesn’t mean you have to join the society or make any commitments if it’s something you’re not interested in!
Also don’t stress too much about uni work because you’ve got time to figure out your learning style and how you study best but you’re only a fresher once! Although saying that, in hindsight I wish I figured out how to take books out of the library and work the printers early on because now I’m in fourth year and I still don’t know and this point I’m too afraid to ask
— Jenny Bolln
Find a balance that works for you and don’t let uni stop you from having fun. The first two years are all about exploring who you want to be and what else life involves. After you have lived a little you can focus on your studies and be the best version of yourself.
— Georgia Mclean
Don’t feel anxious about making friends because everyone’s in the same boat as you and just as nervous as you, It’s important to reach out to people whether it’s flatmates, people in your class or your your society friends.
— Emily Jones
First year is not the be all and end all in terms of exams. If you don’t do too well don’t beat yourself over it- there’s plenty of time to redeem yourself in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year as those are the years that really matter.
— Angus Rutherford
If you want to do anything, just go for it and put your all into everything. Everyone is feeling the same as you so honestly just go for it!
— Nicola Dempsey
It’s normal to find it difficult. Stick it out for at least a month or two, even if you’re really struggling. It’ll be so worth it and you will meet so many amazing friends.
— Amy Machray
I would tell my younger self to join clubs and societies as that is the best way to meet people. I felt like in my first year I was slow to making friends because I didn’t really socialise so definitely join clubs and societies, attend all events that they host and put yourself out there!
— Georgia Coull
Tutors won’t chase you up for work so make sure you pay attention to when all deadlines are on myaberdeen (I missed my very first deadline because of this!) Try to commit to going to every lecture if possible because if you miss one or two, it will cause it to become a habit and you will fall behind. It’s not the end of the world if you miss lectures but it’s just a pain if you’ve got heaps to catch up on.
— Christy Mowat
Go to as many Freshers events as you can, and join a society because it’s the best way to make friends!
— Josie Mclead
Make sure to join in with all the group flat activities and make a proper effort to make friends outside of any friends you already have.
— Mary Kemp
If you don’t do well in first year, there is always time to redeem yourself, so just enjoy yourself, keep up with your studies and try your best but don’t let it get you down.
— Matthew Sheppard
Have fun but make sure to not take it too far. When you look back at yourself in first year you don’t want to look back and regret anything. Also don’t leave exam preparation too last minute, pace yourself and be prepared!
— Rahma Ferguson

Overall, don’t be afraid of change. Embrace it. For many of you it may be the first time living away from home, learning have to cook, even sharing a bathroom for some. The change can be really scary at first but ride it out and be prepared to have some of the best years of your life.

The Law Society is so excited to welcome new members so make sure to purchase a membership on the AUSA website ( ) so you can be a part of all our exciting events this year.

This year, ATIK is our official club sponsor! We will work very closely with them throughout the year and get our members exclusive deals including discounted entry.

We are also in the process of securing amazing deals with other bars so keep checking our socials in the next few weeks for more details.


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